I3WM path
Running i3wm and found that with rofi it would not see executables I put in $HOME/bin directory.
The problem is that the $PATH variable is set correctly for command line items but not within the GUI/WM. Googled solutions and people said to put things under /usr/local/bin, etc.
I want personal sripts and crap under $HOME/bin.
To see the $PATH that i3 recognizes:
$ cat /proc/$(pidof i3)/environ | tr '\0' '\n' | grep '^PATH'
Notice no /home/$USERNAME/bin in the PATH
I tried putting the export statement into the .xsession file and other iterations of the file with no luck.
Solution was to add line to ~/.profile file
$ echo 'export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.profile
Log out and back in again and things should be working now.